Here is this weeks challenge!
So I was happy to see this challenge because I have been working like a mad person to get some products loaded before school starts again. Creating slows down during that time but the ideas do not so it can build up in my journal!
One thing I have been itching to make was my reading response cards.
During reading workshop, I like my kids to be able to respond not only verbally to what they are reading, but also in written form. Now, for first graders this is not always the easiest thing to do. So I wanted to create something that could be a resource and guidance to them during reading workshop.
Basically, these can be used very easily within the workshop time frame of read to self, read with a buddy and even small groups. The teacher will want to model A LOT! But it is intended for slow release until independence!!
Below are some different ways you can utilize these cards!
These are not really meant as fill in the blank with dry erase,however, I am sure you could do that as well! I just want to be able to track throughout the year in my kids journals to see how they have progressed with responding to their reading. Along with option 1, I made these cards the same sizes so that you can insert them in easily to the bundle you make for your kids. I have also thought about blowing them up and making mini anchor charts as well!
Option 2 is basically the exact same but just in strips. I figured not everyone may want half sheet cards to laminate, so the strip option may make it more user friendly using less paper etc.
One major thing about these too is I have COLOR CODED them!!! Imagine that right? Each pencil color stands for a different type of question stem.When you get to the "mini anchor" chart cards that have picture clues (see above) the banners at the top are also color coded to match the color of the pencil it would go with. Hopefully that might make it easier for the kids and the teacher to know which section they are working in.
I really hope ya'll like this product! I spent a lot of time on it and always want to make sure it will be useful! I can't wait to order them in color and get them together to start with my kids next year! I will take pictures and update progress using them throughout the year as well!
Click HERE to check them out on TPT!
So with that said....I am starting Non-Fiction, Fairy tale/Fable, and Chapter book bundles as well!! So keep on the lookout for those!!!
Oh and if you don't already follow my Facebook, go over and check that out!! I post things sometimes more frequently over yonder!

Have a BLESSED night!!
"Restore in me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me."
Psalm 51:12