Well hello there! It seems to have been awhile. I have been really good about posting over on my Instagram and FB blog pages and sometimes neglect this area, mainly because this takes a tad more time to get together. So if you have not followed me over yonder go for it! You will see more frequent posts and such! FB: The Blessed OCDiva Instagram: @theblessedocdiva
Preposition Power!
So 1st grade started teaching all about prepositions!
You may have your own way of introducing and teaching prepositions, so I am just going to share a few things I have done in the past as well as the little project to wrap it up.
This book is ADORABLE!

I had a copy gifted to me from the book fair and I never got around to being able to read it to my kiddos since I moved out of the classroom, but the first grade teachers here borrowed it and said the kids LOVED it! yay!
This book is also a great read aloud for prepositions integrating Science as well!
My kids loved this little preposition song/video as well:
We would also act out prepositions using teddy bear manipulatives and plastic cups/bowls:
"Put your bear under..."
"Put your bear on top of..."
Kids can also use their bodies:
"Stand next to your chair."
"Stand between..."
Here is the little project I whipped up for them to do as a little wrap up of their learning, as a quick check to see if they truly understood how to use a preposition besides just identifying it, and for them to use as an interactive word wall (the kids do all the work and can go back and reference it later. It holds more meaning since they are the ones applying it and creating it!) This also integrates writing as well!
Supplies needed:
Animal Crackers
Crayons,Pencil,Markers (if preferred)
Construction paper or plain cardstock (personal preference)
Students will get their blank piece of paper and an animal cracker. They will create a setting for their animal and then glue their cracker wherever they are choosing to use the preposition. They follow up with a sentence using the preposition and circling or highlighting the preposition they used! You could also elect for them not to highlight or circle and they can present theirs whole group or with a partner and the other kids have to find the preposition they used.
Look at these amazing products their kids created!! I loved being able to go into their classrooms and see it come to life!
Here is a little video showing it as the full process!
Thank you Mrs. Tibbetts for letting me hover over your little friend ;)
I also created some fun packets to teach prepositions! There are 3 different themes! And one is a farm theme which goes perfectly with the above mentioned book and the animal cracker activity!
Here is what is included in each pack:
It incorporates hands on activities as well as independent learning. Can be printed in B&W or Color!
-interactive poster (background and character cut outs)
-anchor chart with list of prepositions
-student reference sheets for journals
-mini card anchor charts
-printables for practice or assessment
-mini booklets
-spin and cover game
Click HERE for Farm
Click HERE for Space
Click HERE for Ocean
Hope you saw a little something you can use the next time you introduce prepositions!
Have a BLESSED week!
"Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago."
Isaiah 25:1