Well hello there! Thank you for stopping by- hopefully you are here for some vocabulary! This will be a quick post all about integrating vocabulary into your classroom and how we provided a fun and easy PD opportunity for staff! We did this back in February, but in good fashion I am just now getting around to creating the blogpost- better late than never eh? Bookmark it if you are not needing a vocabulary idea just yet!
First off, this PD centered all around the book below:
101 Strategies to Make Academic Vocabulary Stick
by: Marilee Sprenger
Click HERE for pricing on Amazon
(I am not an affiliate for Amazon for this book-just wanted to provide a direct link for you)
Here is an overview of what is included in this book
(excerpt from ASCD.org)
You'll find:
- -An overview of how the brain learns and retains new words, including the three stages of building long-term memories: encoding, storage, and retrieval.
- -Encoding strategies to introduce words in novel ways and jump-start the memory process.
- -Rehearsal strategies to help students put words into long-term storage.
- -Review strategies to help students strengthen their retrieval skills and gain the automaticity needed for reading comprehension.
- -Ways to address planning and assessment as crucial, intersecting supports of a robust vocabulary program.
If you are someone preparing for the PD here are your deets:
-We printed out the cheat sheet with all 101 strategies out for every teacher (white paper). They were also printed on large posters in color for every team to have at meetings for future reference. (This was from ASCD and I beleive you'd need a log in to access the resource- it is not a must have but is a complete poster reference-if you have just the book you would be okay too!)
-Created a VOCAB board for every staff member- this was utilized during the PD for notes
-Each strategy we focused on during the PD was put into a drawing (obviously we could not do ALL 101 strategies during the PD so the admin team each chose 5 to add to the board).
Once you are ready to have your PD:
-At the PD each staff member drew a strategy and that was the group they were in.
-They found their group members and had a short amount of time (10 min or whatever you choose) to research their strategy together and create a 1 min or less overview they would present. This could be a skit, visual poster, etc.
-After the alloted time to collaborate with their group we came back together. We went down the VOCAB board columns and when we got to their chosen strategy they came up with their group and quickly presented! The rest of the staff could take little notes on their VOCAB board.
-Once all the strategies on the board were presented we were done! (25-ish minutes)

Super Easy! Fun! Great information!
It really was a quick way to dive into a professional reading resource and have essential take aways that could be applied the very next week!
Hope this helped spark an idea for a whole staff PD that is easy to prepare for and quick to implement!
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens."
Psalms 68:19