Hey guys! I wanted to share a new product I just loaded. We got to use this in third grade right before Christmas break and the kids loved it! They turned out so cute!! You could use this in January too (especially if you live somewhere that winter actually lasts longer than a day haha).
Ms. Jumonville completed this in her holiday rotations. We read the book "Snowmen at Christmas" stopping every once in awhile to orally think aloud and ask questions. Afterward, the kids each got the templates for the body and the arms. They filled out the title, main idea, and 2 details to support the main idea from the story. They used the arm templates and also drew their own face details on themselves. They also added details around as time permitted.
If your kids are not ready for main idea and details don't worry! The resource also included basic story elements (character, setting, problem & solution)!
Here is an overview of the resource:
Winter is such a great time to have some fun and get creative! Use this with a snowman book or any winter/holiday book fiction or nonfiction!!
It covers two different skills:-main idea and supporting details
-Story elements (setting, character, problem, solution)
You get to choose which template works best for you!
What's included:
-two templates (as described above)
-list of snowmen books (to get you started or use any book of your choice)
-picture examples of kids work
-templates for body parts or tracers (optional)
Click here to take a look for more!
Have a BLESSED week!!
If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:31