Thursday, August 5, 2021

Back to School Read Alouds- Friendship

It is back to school time again. Wow! Where does the time go? I know that the first few weeks can be jam packed with ALL THE THINGS. The best part though is building the classroom community. I could chat about this for years, but I won't- this post is about Friendship read alouds! 

Especially after the weird, crazy year we had during the pandemic we have a lot of kids coming back to school for the first time in a long while and  might need a refresher on how to be collaborative and cultivate friendships. 

So I gathered up a couple of my favorite books that have the theme of friendship and would be super to integrate and weave into your B2S reading. I mean these can always even be used at other points in the year when we might need to revisit how to be a friend you know? 

Now this is no way an exhaustive list of amazing books on the topic of friendship, so if you don't see one here that you just love feel free to drop it in the comments! That is the great things about books- there is ALWAYS just one more you can LOVE. #takeallmymoney

-Strictly No Elephants
-You Will Be My Friend
-Carrot & Pea
-Pout Pout Fish in the Big Big Dark
-Porcupine Named Fluffy
-Disappearing Desmond
-Horsefly and Honeybee
-Copy Cat

Don't forget that read aloud time can be done just for fun and enjoyment, but also there are many wonderful ways to utilize it in a super intentional way. Make sure to weave both intentions in throughout the year. 

Have a BLESSED week! 

"I have put my hope in his word." 
Psalm 130:5


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Back to School Organization-Parent Log, Meeting Notes, & Gradebook


We live in a digital age. Does it simplify things? Yes. Can it come with complications? Yes. Can you make everyone happy? No. 

I love the "less" of having things online. You know, not having so many papers and distractions around. But listen, you can give the girl online digital tools, but you can't take away her love for hard copy things sometimes. 

For example, there is just something about going to the library and perusing the aisles of books and the smell of a book. Flipping the pages and stacking them up. I can not get on board with the Kindle. I am sorry. I NEED a hard copy. 

Same with certain teaching things. Sometimes I like a hard copy. Not for everything, because, I mean, we only have so much filing cabinet space before it becomes hoarding right? 

Here are three items I always liked having hard copy of in my back pocket. 

1. Meeting Notes: I actually have changed up how I take notes over the years and finally found a system that works for me and I love it. However, I had made this little note taking template years back and wanted to offer it up to anyone who might want to use it. 

Download HERE

2. Parent Contact Log: Communication with parents is key! I always liked to keep any emails I sent online digitally, but I also made phone calls home as well. I would keep this little spiral near my phone at school and document all the info when I did make a phone call. 

Download HERE

3. Gradebook: Just your run of the mill old school gradebook. We input grades online, however, having a hard copy has come in clutch many a time as well. It can also be used as a general checklist for students and tracking what they have turned in etc. 

Download HERE

Hope these help fellow hard copiers. Use or lose-pick and choose! 

Have a BLESSED week! 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Easy breakfast 101

Oh hey there! So this is what a blog is?! Gosh it has been quite awhile since I sat down to write. What better way to ease back into it than with a yummy and SIMPLE recipe? 

School is starting back up soon and we all know we are stretched for time. So hit that snooze button, because breakfast is taken care of! 

Hubby and I made this Pinterest recipe for breakfast a bit ago and I took pictures joking that I could probably post it as a Pinterest gone wrong recipe...but it turned out great!! 

Cresent Rolls
Bacon or Sausage or BOTH. I like to go with UNCURED meat. Much healthier if you do meat. 
Mushrooms (optional)
Bell pepper (optional)

Now pay attention this is where is gets complicated.

Unroll the cresent rolls
Crack an egg on top (seriously though it is slip sliding everywhere so you may have to bring that bad boy back onto the cresent roll)

Sprinkle cheese, sausage, bacon, other chosen ingredients on top

Put in oven on 350 and bake about 10-12 minutes...


I even took one to lunch the next day and it was still good!


See? Easy. It is so customizable too so you can use whatever ingredients suit you! 

Have a BLESSED week.

"Gracious speech is like clover honey-good taste to the soul, quick energy for the body."
Proverbs 16:24